Oxy 3D

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OXY 3D extracts practically pure oxygen from the atmospheric air at high pressure. This jet of oxygen can be projected onto the skin at 200m/s where it is absorbed by the cells, toning them and eliminating all anaerobic bacteria.
A ventury placed in the delivery pipe allows to mix active ingredients (hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, growth factor, peptides and vitamins) with the oxygen, which are atomized and projected on the skin and carried away by the oxygen flow. This is the best way to activate these active ingredients and renew the cells. After just one treatment, the skin is given a youthful glow.
Of course, if necessary, the device allows for a thorough cleaning of the skin before the actual treatment.
OXY 3D removes acne, shrinks pores and fine lines, removes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity and suppleness.
OXY 3D is exclusive to MediBauty

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  • Number of handpieces: 4
  • Oxygen purity: >90
  • Maximum oxygen flow rate: 5L/min
  • Jet distance: 300~500mm
  • Oxygen pressure: 4~5.4 bar
  • Oxygen jet frequency: 1~5 levels, adjustable
  • AC power supply: 220V±10%, 50~60Hz
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