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CRYO 4-Arm

Diasculpt is an innovative product with incomparable results. The patented multi-function device is the star of our range. It uses Diaphotonie, a gentle, natural and unique technique on the market to allow you to rejuvenate and lose a waistline, in no more than 5 sessions spread over one or two weeks. In addition to the amazing results on slimming, it eliminates wrinkles and stretch marks. It allows to reshape the buttocks, to raise the bust and to induce a lifting effect on the face. Thanks to its massage action, associated with the near infrared beam, the Diaphotonie allows to reduce the subcutaneous adipocytes.  Thanks to its different sized tips, the Diasculpt also allows you to carry out anti-ageing facial treatments.  Through its technique, the filtered light will tone and renew the relaxed fibres and quickly induce:

  • The fading of wrinkles
  • Toning of the oval of the face
  • Smoothing of the décolleté

A vigorous depresso or surpresso massage by alternating suction or overpressure is excellent for peripheral revascularisation. Applied to a cellulite area, it will help to decompartmentalise the fat and greatly improve the appearance of the skin.
Similarly, by using waves of pressure or depression and a specialised tip, it will allow you to carry out a complete lymphatic drainage.

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* Erfüllen Sie alle obligatorischen Felder bitte

  • Plaquette CRYO360.pdf
  • Natürliche Erkältungsmethode
  • Nicht-invasiv
  • Dauerhafte Fettreduktion
  • Handfrei
  • Straffende
  • 6 Handstücke in verschiedenen Größen
  • 4 Handstücke arbeiten gleichzeitig
  • Erhitzungsphase gefolgt von einer Abkühlungsphase
  • Die Temperaturen:
  • HEISS +37 bis 45° C
  • KALT +5 bis -9° C
  • Ansaugung: 10 bis 80 kPa
  • Applikatorlängen: 100-150-200 und 300 m
  • Geliefert in einem Aluminiumkoffer
  • Digitales Farbdisplay
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